Friday, August 21, 2009

Zzzzz updates

The greater part of the new documentary is finished. I'm having some troubles thinking of an appropriate way to end it. Otherwise than that it is, as said, pretty much done. Sound levels and light/color are yet to be fixed as well.
The documentary, which has been titled [kree-ey-tiv-i-tee] with three subtitles for the three portraits, is currently 49 minutes long and will after further editing be between 50-55 minutes. Each portrait is 13-14 minutes long.

My previous plans of submitting it to U.S. film festivals have been abandoned due to the likelihood of being banned, and instead focus lies on European film festivals and Swedish television.
Because of this the documentary (all of it) won't be available to view on YouTube or such - at least not any time soon - but a trailer will be uploaded some time after completion.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Guess it's time to reveal the people who will be in the new documentary. I bet you've figured it by now, and some I've already told, but here goes.

  • Dahveed Kolodny-Nagy and Steve Sievers; creators of web-animated series Supa Pirate Booty Hunt.
  • Miles Hurwitz; marketing and artist relations development at Talking House Records, band manager.
  • Dan San Souci; children's books author and illustrator.

The documentary will also briefly feature Luke Franks of the Federalists, and Jonathan Devoto.
Music will be by Dave Smallen, and Devoto.

A name for the documentary is yet to be figured out.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Video cameras + Mac = not true

So it has come to my knowledge that it is impossible to find a video camera that works with Mac computers, if you want a price range that is suitable for a student too lazy to get any summer jobs.

And also, if you're waiting around the electronics store for someone from the staff to help you, it is effective to set off the alarm. (But I have to say they have very sensitive alarm sensors.)

So the bad news is that I can't find a decent video camera to back me up. It's ridiculous how none of the latest cameras can work with a Mac (they say you can download a program but of course that didn't work for me), because pretty much all serious filmmakers use Macs since those software programs are the best for editing and all kinds of media creativity.

The good news is that the planning is going great and I've got some rad artists/musicians lined up for you. Everyone has been really helpful and accommodating. One of my participants is getting married two days after we shoot his part of the doc. I can only take my hat off.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Missing part + new updates

Someone notified me that Part Two of the Warped Tour-documentary on YouTube couldn't be found. I checked it out and it seems like the video has been removed because of a copyright claim by WMG. I suspect it has something to do with the music being played on one of the nearby stages that can be heard in the background. Not much to do about it, but Part Two is still available here on this blog (one of the first posts), if you're feeling groovy.

Chucowski Productions has got new plans for this summer. Another trip to the U.S. will result in a documentary about people in the music-/art business. I'm in the middle of pre-production and contacting people like mad. I've already got a few participants in the bag, but they will remain secret for now.
The documentary will firstly be submitted to film festivals in the U.S.
I'll keep you updated.