Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Video cameras + Mac = not true

So it has come to my knowledge that it is impossible to find a video camera that works with Mac computers, if you want a price range that is suitable for a student too lazy to get any summer jobs.

And also, if you're waiting around the electronics store for someone from the staff to help you, it is effective to set off the alarm. (But I have to say they have very sensitive alarm sensors.)

So the bad news is that I can't find a decent video camera to back me up. It's ridiculous how none of the latest cameras can work with a Mac (they say you can download a program but of course that didn't work for me), because pretty much all serious filmmakers use Macs since those software programs are the best for editing and all kinds of media creativity.

The good news is that the planning is going great and I've got some rad artists/musicians lined up for you. Everyone has been really helpful and accommodating. One of my participants is getting married two days after we shoot his part of the doc. I can only take my hat off.

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