Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"If you wanna fight us then, fight us then!"

Since it's been a lot of buzz around the yet to be released musicvideo for the Matches' song "Yankee in a Chip Shop", I figured I'd post some pictures from the shoot - merely to make the waiting easier.
Even if people hate waiting, it's worth it - Shawn showed me the video, and it's really effing brilliant. Best thing I've seen in a long time, and I'm not just saying that because I was there. This video is really something exceptional.

Me and Justin's jacket.

By London Eye.

These are only a few, but I will not, cannot, post photos from the actual scenes. We wouldn't wanna ruin it for you all. This will have to do for now. I'll post all my pictures from the shoot here in this blog as soon as the video is out there.
As for my "making of the musicvideo", I'm not sure when and how it will be released for viewings, I've pretty much handed that part over to Miles and the guys. If possible though, I'll upload it on Chucowski Productions' YouTube shortly after the musicvideo has been shown.


Kristina said...

ohh yess.... the waiting is intense. the photos will have to hold me over until the real deal comes about.
thanks for keeping us posted.

Sheeba said...

Now it's up to the guys...

Ball's in your court Matches...


Lovely photos.

April said...

Very cool. Was that what you were waiting for?